Motithang Takin Preserve
Motithang Takin Preserve is located on the hilltop facing Thimphu valley. It is 5 km car drive from Thimphu main core town are. Just below Sangaygang View Point Thimphu. Takin is the national animal of Bhutan. It is preserved there to provide tourists to see the animal. Bhutan is a wildlife reserve area for takin. Originally a mini-zoo, it was converted into a preserve when it was discovered that the animals refrained from inhabiting the surrounding forest even when set free.
Mothithang Takin Preserve got a large free area covered with Pine Forest. Takin can freely move from one place to another place and be protected fully. It is a large species found in the eastern Himalayas. It includes four subspecies: the Mishmi takin, the golden takin, the Tibetan takin, and the Bhutan takin.
The story of Takin & Lam Drukpa Kunley. He is also called” The Divine Madman”. He arrived in Bhutan from Tibet during the 15th century. He delivered religious teachings to the locals. The locals requested him to conjure up a miracle. He concurred, on the condition that he would be fed lunch – a whole cow & a whole goat. The local offered him lunch. The Lam Drukpa Kunley devoured the flesh of both animals & left out the bones. After that, he fixed the head of the goat onto the body of the cow with a mantra. The particular animal instantly began grazing on the meadows. Later on, the animal was named “Dong Gyem Tsey” which means Takin.